È sufficiente crearsi il file quelli preferiti, magari numerandoli tra le parentesi quadre partendo da 229. Radio altre acchiappatevele su questo sito che ho trovato per i pigri :D :Ĭomunque ricordo che non è necessario copiarsi la lista intera degli indirizzi delle radio. Stream_data: " |(IT)Radio Dimensione Suono" Stream_data: " |(IT)RadioMusic La Rockaforte" Set by phpBB, used for the 'remember me' option. T&T, STDS, ETS2 and ATS senior tester/translator.

So, if your mic is not heard, it's more like a topic for Help center. Stream_data: "|(IT)Radio Punto Zero Tre Venezie" Re: CB problem NOT A BUG It all depends on your system voice input settings and Steam voice input settings. Create your own radio playlist for Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator, Cattle and Crops, listen online radios and add your favorite stations. Stream_data: " |(IT)Radio Padania Libera" Stream_data: "|(IT)Radio Fusion Italia - Cagliari" Stream_data: "|(IT)Radio Dimensione Musica" Stream_data: "|(IT)radio azzurra marsala" Then do this: Go to 'C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2' Open 'livestreams. Stream_data: " |(IT)I Love Radio- Italia" Find the stations you want, then copy the stream (for example, for BBC Radio 4). Stream_data: " |(IT)LOLLIRADIO SOFT - Lovely Radio!" Stream_data: " |(IT)LOLLIRADIO ITALIA - Best Italian Songs" Stream_data: " |(IT)LOLLIRADIO HITS - Top 100 Hits"

Stream_data: " |(IT)LOLLIRADIO DANCE - Dance & House Hits" Stream_data: " |(IT)LOLLIRADIO HAPPY STATION - Happy Music" Stream_data: " |(IT)RTL 102.5 Italian Style" Where I could made a mistake Ive opened some YT tutorials and here, in Steam ETS2 discussions and I did exactly the same steps but my radio stations remains silent. # you can enter multiple lines in the same format, each defining additional radios Ive already uploaded two radio stations following every little detail step by step as in readme/manual but both of them doesnt work. If ProMods will work here,they progress in European countries will stop and that they can.
#Euro truck simulator 2 radio not working mods#
# a correct URL of the stream to have the Internet radio offered in the Radio screen Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mods / Maps ETS 2 4-01-2017, 15:23. # remove the leading '#' character on the "stream_data" line below and enter # !!! WARNING !!! mms streams are not supported! # Stream data format: "URL of the live stream | Name for the radio as listed in Radio screen" Tipo "stream_data: " |(IT)RadioMusic La Rockaforte" dovrebbe diventare "stream_data: " |(IT)RadioMusic La Rockaforte" se aggiunta alle radio predefinite che sono numerate dall'1 al 228. * anche se a me funziona lo stesso senza questo dettaglio, mi fa notare Ruka che andrebbero inseriti dei numeri progressivi tra le parentesi quadre, in modo da riconoscere le radio nel gioco, tipo così: Dopodiché durante il gioco premere il tasto R e selezionare la radio preferita, se non va significa che dovrete sbloccare l'eseguibile del gioco nel vostro firewall: Copiare e incollare il seguente testo comprese parentesi graffe. Uni-verso st radio " |uni-verso st radio|musicaatina|PRT|128|0"Įdit : removed EuroTruck Radio PL (station got closed)Įdit : removed Q 67.- Aprire il file live_streams.sii, cancellarne il contenuto.

Heavy Haulage Australia Radio " |Heavy Haulage Australia Radio|Public Radio|EN|128|0"Įuro Truck Russian Radio " |Euro Truck Russian Radio|ETSRadio|RU|128|0" So if you know an existing station which isn't listed here or if you notice that any of the listed stations got closed or changed the link to their web page and/or stream, please let me know by answering in this topic and I will edit this post as soon as possible.ĮuroTruck Radio The stream is listed in the game by default. Of course, I can not guarantee that all existing stations are listed in this post and that this post is always up to date. sitrex finish mower for sale x military radio roblox id x.
#Euro truck simulator 2 radio not working update#
I will also update this post everytime I discover a new station and everytime an existing station got closed. choose Euro truck simulator 2 Trucks Mods download and get more options. So.I think.It doesnt lookes like G29 problem. But when I adjust the center spring strength in GHub, that worked. I thought that it would be interesting and helpful for everyone to have a clear list of all existing ETS2-dedicated radio stations sorted by language and not only a topic where random stations are recommended (I know that there are already some ETS2 stations listed in there, but it's a bit hard to find them.). Im using G29, and my G29 steering wheel get lose the power.