Red jasper properties healing
Red jasper properties healing

red jasper properties healing

The red jasper was said to be good for wisdom and courage. The red jasper was seen as a sacred stone of physical and spiritual protection. In the past, green jasper was used as early as Mesopatamia (an ancient geographical area from about 7,000 years ago, where Iraq is today) to excavate other gemstones. Jasper means "speckled stone," as it sometimes has beautiful speckles. Known deposits are in India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Indonesia and the United States. For example, you can cleanse it in water and charge it in moonlight. Jasper can be taken care of in different ways. You can also place the stone in a nice spot in your home. It is thought that you can then 'use' the beautiful properties of jasper at any time. You can always carry the stone in your pocket. In addition to our charms, connectors and beads you can make beautiful jewelry with, there are other uses for jasper. It is said to make you strong-willed, and thus make you go for your goals 100%.

red jasper properties healing

Jasper is said to help you clarify your goals and improve your organizational skills. When you want to reach a goal, jasper can help you do so. The stone is therefore recommended for people who are insecure or anxious. It would help you to be more assertive and to stand up for yourself. Jasper is said to provide courage and strength. The stone therefore comes in several beautiful colors. Jasper is a collective name for the different species. There are more than 40 varieties of Jasper.

Red jasper properties healing